

So here it is… late at night. Blah-blah.

Feels like there should be much that I could be doing. So I somehow ended up on here, becauseĀ  – I obviously couldn’t find something better to do.

I’m trying to determine if now is the time for me to start making an effort. Time to start making the steps to my anticipated life. You know, that life you always imagined growing into – well I’m thinking at 25 it might be time to start stepping into that.

  • Girlfriend, wife, family
  • Education, job, career
  • Car, Project, Showbus
  • Room, Rooms, House
  • Pennies, dimes, dollars

Life, becoming. Life, changing. Life, ongoing.

Decisions must be made in future… do I value my body and health? Can I be realistic with my genetics and battle against future health issues? Can I step up and start getting related with a few more ladies? Times’ a coming.



Hello and welcome. I know not what will become to this blog – perhaps nothing. I’m a young man growing and maturing… questioning the environment around. I don’t have many answers, but I’ll certainly speak up if I feel its needed. I don’t know what I’m looking to get out of this blog… a chance to express myself I suppose.

I feel I need more in life. I’m not sure what… I feel like such a typical university student – never content, idealistically viewing the world around. I’m not sure what I need to get to a ‘better’ mindset. I look forward to finishing off my university degree – but alas, I’ll probably wish I was a student after I complete it… haha… Seems I’m always soo busy. Can’t seem to even share my life with anyone else, but then I think no one would be interested in sharing my life haha.

Anywho… I’ll write some more stuff on here laters!